By IESA Admin on Wednesday, 06 July 2022
Category: Buzz

Meta Materials and Coulometrics partner to develop next-gen batteries

Meta Materials Inc. has announced it has signed a Master Service Agreement with Coulometrics, LLC, to autonomously authenticate META's platform technologies related to battery applications.

"With the recent strategic acquisitions of Plasma App and Optodot, combined with our roll-to-roll high volume thin-film coating production facility in Quebec, we now have capabilities to make Li-ion batteries safer and more efficient," said George Palikaras, President & CEO of META.

"We are excited about our collaboration with Coulometrics, a world-class battery developer. Leveraging Dr. Buiel's 28-year expertise and state-of-the-art materials synthesis and battery assembly facility, META and Coulometrics will collaborate to develop and test the safety and performance of our new battery technologies, which we believe will enable a new generation of safer lithium-ion batteries."

Metal-coated polymer current collectors produced by PLASMAfusion™ have been designed by META to isolate internal short circuits by using proprietary thermal-isolation technology. In addition to having lower mass (up to 95 percent less copper or aluminum) and manufacturing costs, cells with metal-coated polymer current collectors demonstrate a reduced risk of thermal runaway during nail penetration. META's new copper current collectors in Li-ion batteries allow us to reliably benchmark the safety improvements and increased gravimetric energy density that our technology provides relative to alternatives. In combination with META's second-generation, NPORE® nanocomposite ceramic separators, META is working with large OEMs and Tier 1 material companies to provide technologies that will protect Li-ion batteries in many applications.

"I am excited to collaborate with META and its top scientists, to advance battery technology and offer a solution that makes Li-ion batteries safer and more efficient," said Dr. Edward R. Buiel, CEO of Coulometrics.

"META's advanced battery materials have the potential to solve some of the industry's biggest challenges."

The goals for the collaboration with Coulometrics include:

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