Energy Storage & Gigafactories | Review 2022: A look at the year that was

Team ETN has compiled a brief review of the global energy storage sector from various reports released in 2022, and recapped snapshots of news about important turn o...

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Chile passes major legislation incentivizing energy storage, e-mobility

Chile's congress has unanimously approved a bill promoting investments in energy storage and electric mobility in the country. The legislation is aimed at addressing powe...

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Cummins Inc. invests $24 million in VoltStorage, to advance the Destination Zero strategy

Cummins Inc. has announced an investment of $24M into VoltStorage, a technology company producing energy storage systems based on environmentally friendly redox flow technology. Cu...

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IESW 2022: Encouraging market-ready innovations to fill the technology gap

IESA has partnered with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) for FLCTD Innovation Challenge for technology innovation in beta deployment of energy storage...

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IESW 2022 to bring leaders from e-mobility, energy storage, and green H2 together

In a bid to accelerate the adoption of energy storage, e-Mobility, green hydrogen & microgrids in India, India Energy Storage Alliance (IESA), India's leading industry alliance...

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Microsoft, Google joins Long-Duration Energy Storage Council

Microsoft, Google, and 10 other companies have announced that they have joined the Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) Council, a CEO-led organization unveiled at COP26 in November...

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