By Mandar Bakre on Monday, 16 October 2023
Category: Buzz

US announces regional hydrogen hubs to help kickstart $47 billion in national H2 investment

The US Department of Energy (DOE) announced $7 billion in aid to launch seven Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs (H2Hubs) across the mainland and accelerate commercial-scale deployment of low-cost, clean hydrogen.

The hubs, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, are expected to kickstart "a national network of clean hydrogen producers, consumers, and connective infrastructure while supporting the production, storage, delivery, and end-use of clean hydrogen", the US DOE said in a release. The selected hubs are expected to pump in more than $40 billion of their own funding, creating an overall investment cycle worth $47 billion.

The projects selected for negotiation include:

The US is betting on hydrogen to help lower emissions from hard-to-decarbonize industrial sectors, which collectively account for 30 percent of total US carbon emissions. The H2Hubs are expected to collectively produce three million metric tons of hydrogen a year, or nearly a third of the US's 2030 production target for the green fuel.

Government estimates show the output from the H2hubs will reduce 25 million metric tons of CO2 emissions from end-uses each year — roughly equal to the annual emissions of 5.5 million (55 lakh) petrol-fueled cars. 

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