Kawas HoP Ram Prasad starting the green hydrogen injection into PNG network of NTPC Kawas Township. Source: PIB

India's state-owned energy conglomerate National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) has commissioned the country's first green hydrogen blending project in its piped natural gas (PNG) network of NTPC Kawas township, Surat. The project is a joint effort of NTPC and Gujarat Gas Limited (GGL).

The company has said that the set-up is geared up to supply H2-NG (natural gas) to households of Kawas township at Adityanagar, Surat. Green hydrogen in the facility is made by electrolysis of water using power from an already installed 1-MW floating solar project, it added. 

India's regulatory body Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board (PNGRB) has given approval for 5 percent volume blending of green hydrogen with PNG to start with. In future, the blending level would be scaled phase wise to reach 20 percent. 

Green hydrogen, when blended with natural gas, is said to reduce CO2 emissions keeping net heating content same, thereby promoting energy efficiency and gradual decarbonization. 

"This feat is achieved only by few select countries like UK, Germany, and Australia etc. This would bring India at the center stage of the global hydrogen economy. India would not only reduce its hydrocarbon import bill significantly, but can also bring forex ashore by being a green hydrogen and green chemicals exporter to the world", the company said in a statement. 

RELATED: DNV partners with Pipeline Infra Ltd to integrate H2 into PIL gas network assets in India

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