India is on a mission to combat climate change and achieve Sustainable Development Goals by leveraging renewable energy sources for meeting its national energy needs. As per the Na...
India has committed to meet 50 percent of its energy requirement through renewables, and accordingly, a target of 500 GW installed renewable energy capacity is set by 2030. Anish M...
About 140 countries covering 90 percent of global emissions; 410 publicly-traded companies and 450 financial institutions representing $130 trillion in assets have announced net-ze...
When we look back at 2021, it will be remembered as a year of many industry-advancing announcements, and a year where India Energy Storage Alliances' (IESA), long-standing efforts ...
At the 5th World Energy Storage Day – Global Conference & Expo held in September, experts discussed the need for energy access as a prerequisite to development, various dimensi...
IESA's Industry Excellence Awards for the year 2021 will be announced on February 15, 2022. The awards recognize remarkable achievements by organizations, leaders, and innovators. ...
Government invites EOI for installation of 1000MWh BESS The government has given go-ahead for inviting the expression of interest for the installation of 1000MWh Battery Energy Sto...
The State of Rajasthan has enabled sustained growth by attracting investment in the chemical, food, and beverage, and petroleum manufacturing industry over the years; a similar str...
The spread of COVID-19 poses a serious challenge to the momentum picked up by the solar power and energy storage sector in India, but in the long term, the crisis could help cataly...