TFP Hydrogen launches cost-effective catalyst system for the hydrogen industry
TFP Hydrogen has announced that it has launched a new cost-effective catalyst system that is equipped to support the growth of a competitive hydrogen industry.
The new catalyst is anticipated to support hydrogen generation to counter the rising price of iridium with the catalyst based on Platinum Group Metals (PGMs).
The recent increase in the price of iridium has meant that the cost of the anode catalyst for proton exchange membrane (PEM) water electrolysis has increased considerably as a proportion of the technology cost.
As one of the leading suppliers and developers of catalysts, TFP Hydrogen is responding to the price rise with the launch of two high performances, highly efficient catalysts based on a combination of both iridium (Ir) and ruthenium (Ru) to remain cost-effective.
The new Ir/Ru range comprises catalysts for Proton Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) water electrolysers which can be used as a method to generate green hydrogen.
These catalysts reduce the cost of generating green hydrogen by increasing long-term efficiency.