Soaring High: State of investments in the energy storage market

As energy storage gains prominence in the clean energy sector globally for its ability to help mitigate climate change, investments in this sector are expected to soar in the next ... Read More

State of R&D in battery energy storage sector in India

There's a need for Indian R&D centers to work collaboratively with the industry to address challenges associated with current battery technologies as they continue developing n... Read More

Battery storage manufacturing in India: A strategic perspective

There is a need for a strategic approach to battery manufacturing in India, including not only broad directional measures but also specific actions. India is one of the few countri... Read More

2020 the foundation-laying year for energy storage

It is time we look at the leading indicators rather than the lagging ones when it comes to implementing projects with energy storage. Else, we stand to lose out on yet another land... Read More

Making Li-ion battery manufacturing a reality in India

Vikram Handa, Managing Director - Epsilon Carbon, talks about commissioning of India's first-ever LIB material manufacturing facility, their plans of expansion, and vision for 2021... Read More

ACC Battery: Setting stage for the biggest economic opportunity yet

The Union Cabinet in November approved production-linked incentives in '10 key sectors' including advanced chemistry cell (ACC) battery. With the implementation finally gathering p... Read More

Financing the frontier of energy storage

Mafalda Duarte, CEO of Climate Investment Funds talks to Ashok Thakur, Chief Editor of ETN, about CIF's financial support programs for energy storage projects in developing co... Read More

Steady policy support needed for sustainable ES growth in China

The China Energy Storage Alliance (CNESA) is a non-profit grade 5A China Social Organization dedicated to the international energy storage industry. It is committed to the healthy ... Read More

US grand challenge to accelerate energy storage development

U.S. Department of Energy (U.S. DOE) nominates Group 14 Technologies as a winner of the Energy Storage Grand Challenge 2020. The company will receive $3.96 million to integrate bes... Read More

The world of energy storage: Rebooting the normal

The world crossed 10.9GW of installed capacity of energy storage by the end of 2019. As battery energy storage continues to effectively integrate high shares of solar and wind in t... Read More