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WESD 2023: All technologies welcome, say ES experts in the Americas

The panel in discussion

As the World Energy Storage Day entered its final regional focus, the Americas, the panel of experts debating energy storage felt largely that all technologies would find favour with countries and companies.

The panel discussion was moderated by Dr. Imre Gyuk, an internationally-recognized energy storage expert who serves as Chief Scientist, Energy Storage Research, US Department of Energy. Other members included Dr. Judy Jeevarajan, Vice President and Executive Director, Electrochemical Safety Research Institute (ESRI), UL Research Institutes, Ann Yu, Senior Consultant, Emerging Technologies, Customized Energy Solutions, Alfredo Vieira, Evaluation Specialist, Climate Investment Funds, Bud Collins, CEO, American Energy Storage Innovations, Inc, and Dr. Vincent Sprenkle, Strategic Advisor, Energy Storage, Electrochemical Materials and Systems Group, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Among the topics touched upon was the dominance of Lithium-ion chemistry, and the possibility of other chemistries receiving 'a shot at the market'. Alfredo Vieira felt that different chemistries served different purposes and that stakeholders setting up energy storage capacities – be they companies or governments – will likely have to deploy a wide array of battery chemistries.

Dr. Judy Jeevarajan concurred, telling the panel Lithium-ion chemistry was popular because of the convenience it afforded in charging up and deploying power, but a different, purpose-built chemistry could just as well take the baton.   

Dr. Imre Gyuk, speaking towards the end of the session, mentioned that his conversations have shown that industry did not face any technological barriers to long duration energy storage, but "it's just that the payoff is not there", which stymied players from making investments. 

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