Tata Power-DDL, US-based AutoGrid partners to install AI-based EMS in Delhi
Tata Power Delhi Distribution (Tata Power-DDL) has announced that it has partnered with California-based AutoGrid for positioning artificial intelligence-based smart energy management systems.
The firms have launched "a unique Incentive linked Behavioural Demand Response program to support operational utilization of smart meters and reduce network management cost."
This comes in the backdrop of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approving the marquee Rs. 3.03 trillion power distribution company (DISCOM) reform scheme that includes a compulsory smart metering ecosystem across the distribution sector—starting from electricity feeders to the consumer level, including in about 250 million households.
"Tata Power-DDL and AutoGrid are cooperatively launching a behavioral demand response program for the company's residential customers to reduce peak demand and network capital costs. This pilot project aims to empower customers, by helping them understand their consumption patterns and evaluate the effectiveness of demand response (DR) programs," the firms said in a joint declaration.
"In the first phase, the program will be initiated for a period of three months, from 1st July to 30th September 2021 with 4,000 residential consumers with smart meter connections," the statement added.
This comes at a time when only 57 towns in the country have supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. The union government plans to have SCADA in all urban areas and a distribution management system (DMS) in 100 urban centres.
"Behavioural Demand Response is regarded as an essential component as it helps build up the necessary flexibility on demand-side to match the flexibility on the supply side. Through this pilot program, we intend to give more control in the hands of the consumers," said Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL in the statement.
"Demand Response (DR) is a powerful alternative by which utilities can reduce stress on the grid during peak periods while providing customers economic and environmental benefits. DR programs aim to reduce or shift energy consumption from peak hours of the day to leaner demand periods by offering incentives to the consumers for their cooperation. Participating customers can stay in control of their consumption, and voluntarily choose to turn down non-essential loads to reduce total load at peak times. In this way they will also be able to optimize their monthly electricity bills," the statement said.